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Beacons are a way to publish and retrieve addresses of nodes outside of the VpnCloud network in order to find new peers. This can be very helpful in cases where all nodes of the network have dynamic addresses or when the nodes with static addresses are not always reachable.

The main idea behind beacons is that VpnCloud provides means of exporting and importing beacons from files of by executing scripts, and the user is responsible for publishing and retrieving them on other nodes.

The beacons have some useful properties to help users:

A beacon can look like this example: 3hRD8BKvg7jotek0FGLeYtIc1zj7jzPRyQscQAe9tCqnFJ0vyVfIxYMB. This beacon contains 3 addresses, a timestamp and checksum and is guarded by the prefix 3hRD8 and the suffix IxYMB so it can be easily found by other nodes.

Using beacons

VpnCloud supports beacons via the parameters --beacon-store, --beacon-load, --beacon-interval, and --beacon-password as well as the config subkeys store, load, interval, and password of the main key beacon.

The interval is set in seconds and determines how often VpnCloud will search for beacons and write out its own beacon (if enabled via the other two parameters).

The store and load parameters enable beacon storing/loading and define a filename to store the beacon into or load the beacon from.

Instead of using files, VpnCloud also supports calling commands to store and load beacons. If the argument starts with a pipe character |, the rest of the argument is interpreted as a shell command which is passed to sh. In that command, the following variables can be used:

The variables $data and $beacon can only be used when storing a beacon, not when searching for one during load. The command used for load has to print all beacons to stdout. VpnCloud will detect all beacons in the output as long as the prefix and suffix is intact.


The beacon functionality can be tested by running two instances of VpnCloud on the same host:

$> vpncloud -l 3000 --beacon-store /tmp/beacon.txt
$> vpncloud -l 3001 --beacon-load /tmp/beacon.txt

The first peer stores the beacon to a temporary file and the second peer loads it from there. After a short while, both peers should be connected.

Some real examples are: